


我们欢迎国际学生到澳门新葡京博彩大学学习, 新奥尔良, 路易斯安那州, 和美国. Regardless of your native land, once you enroll, you become a valued member of the Xavier Community. The 跨文化和国际项目中心 exists to make your experience a positive one by providing comprehensive support to international students. As international students play a valuable role in our goal to expand Xavier’s borders beyond the United States. We encourage students to take full advantage of opportunities to participate in University and 新奥尔良 activities. Your involvement contributes to the rich diversity of the community and enhances the development of a greater appreciation for different cultures and peoples. Orientation activities are scheduled at the beginning of each semester to ease your adjustment to the Xavier way of life.

最后期限 春季学期 秋季学期
文学院 & 科学 3月1日 9月1日
药学院 12月3日 禁止入内



如果你正在攻读学士学位, 招生 这将是你在这个过程中的第一步吗. Our international admissions counselors will assist in explaining your admissions requirements, 学者, 奖学金, 和更多的. Yes, we offer merit-based 奖学金 up to full tuition cost for international students who may qualify.

TOEFL, IELTS scores are not required for applicants if English is your native Language

Applicants who have previously completed high school and/or college-level work in the US may also receive an English Proficiency waiver.

另外, 在非英语国家的中学接受教育, you must submit a Course-by-Course evaluation of your secondary school work evaluated by a U.S. 国外学历评估服务. (请参阅下面推荐的服务)  

所有外国成绩单(美国以外的大学).S.)必须用a求值 NACES评估机构SPANTRAN  建议. 必须包括官方的每门课程评估.

  • 中学英语成绩单 
  • 中学官员的推荐信 
  • ACT/SAT成绩(如果有的话)
  • 托福或雅思成绩(非英语母语者需提交)  要求最低成绩:托福:纸本- 550互联网- 80雅思:7.0 
  • 澳门新葡京博彩大学经济资助证明-一份公证表格,表明谁将支付出席费用. 
  • 学生参加的国家考试证书原件(如适用) 
  • 托福或雅思成绩 要求最低成绩:托福:纸本- 550互联网- 80雅思:7.0 



转学申请者-艺术学院 & 科学

If you are an international student currently on a student visa looking to transfer to Xavier University or you have taken college courses in your home country and are looking to transfer to Xavier University, 招生 将指导您轻松完成转账过程. 

  • TOEFL, IELTS scores are not required for applicants if English is your native Language
  • Applicants who have previously completed high school and/or college-level work in the US may also receive an English Proficiency waiver.
  • 另外, 在非英语国家的中学接受教育, you must submit a Course-by-Course evaluation of your secondary school work evaluated by a U.S. 国外学历评估服务. (请参阅下面推荐的服务) 
  • 所有外国成绩单(美国以外的大学).S.)必须由NACES评估机构进行评估.  推荐使用SPANTRAN. 必须包括官方的每门课程评估.



如果你是对药学感兴趣的国际转学学生,我们的 药学院 has an admissions department that will ensure you understand the admissions requirements specific to the Pharmacy program. 请联系 药房招生 了解更多信息.


Non-U.S citizens who do not have a “Green Card” or “Naturalized Citizenship” must include their foreign home address on the Application for Admission.

转学申请人就读于另一所美国大学.S. college/university the semester prior to entering Xavier University of 路易斯安那州 must complete and submit the "Transfer-In" form before a SEVIS I-20 (Certificate of Eligibility) will be issued.



还应该为诸如服装之类的费用编列经费, 个人物品, 床上用品, 洗衣, 娱乐和旅游. Residence halls are closed when school is not in session: for approximately four weeks during the semester break (December to January) and approximately one month during the summer.

Other accommodations must be sought for these periods and this factor should be considered when determining total expenses for the year. 只有你. S. citizens and those who have been issued Green Cards (permanent residents) are eligible for federal financial aid, 财政援助的主要来源. 奖学金只提供给数量有限的学术上合格的申请人.




It 建议 that students expedite 旅行 and passport procedures well in advance of the intended date of departure to the United States. 在被大学录取后, eligible students will be issued the Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20) as required by the U.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS). Applicants who have a valid “Green Card” or who are “Naturalized Citizens” do not need the Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20). 有关学生签证和SEVIS所需费用的信息,请参阅网站 旅行 信息 on orientation and registration at Xavier will be sent to all admitted students. It is advisable for students to begin their course of study during the Fall semester in order that they may take required courses in proper sequence. 

There are two mandatory requirements that you must complete and submit to Student Health Service prior to registration – 1) Health Clearance and 2) Insurance 信息. Each new student must submit the health forms required by the Xavier University Health Services Office 免疫合规 & 护理同意书表格. All undergraduate students are required to carry insurance which provides coverage for physicians and emergency rooms in the 新奥尔良 area. 信息 about the student health insurance requirement is located on the Student Health Services web page.

学生 admitted into the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program should check the 药学院’s web page for any additional requirements for international students or E-mail the 药学院 at



如果您需要帮助了解学生签证流程, 寻找住房, 提高你的英语水平或任何与你的留学过渡有关的事情, 请与我们的 跨文化和国际项目中心 或电邮给Karen Lee

The 跨文化和国际项目中心 (CIIP) works with the 本科 and 研究生 Offices of Admission to provide assistance to prospective international students planning to study at Xavier University. 


招生办公室收集所有必需的申请文件, 做出录取决定, 评估外国成绩单, 签发移民文件并发送接收包裹. 国际学生持F-1学生签证在我校学习.  The Associate Director of the 跨文化和国际项目中心 is the Primary Designated School Official (PDSO) for the F-1 Student Visa Program and is the primary contact once international students arrive on campus.  除了, CIIP and the Office of Admission also work together to develop and coordinate marketing, advertising and recruitment activities with the goal of attracting more international students to the university.